CR 600 E - Road Rehabilitation and Intersection Improvement |
The Board of Cass County Commissioners proposes to reconstruct County Road 600 East and the intersection of CR 600 E. and Logansport Road. The project extends from the northern edge of US24 northward to Logansport Road. The project is essentially broken into three pieces although construction will take place on all pieces concurrently. Part I of the project consists of the reconstruction and widening of the roadway from US 24 to the bridge over the Wabash River. This portion is being funded 80% with federal funding. This portion of The existing pavement on County Road 600 East will be removed and replaced with a full depth asphalt pavement. The proposed roadway will provide two 12.0 ft (3.56 meter) travel lanes with 8 foot (2.4 meter) shoulders (6 foot paved). The proposed profile will follow the existing profile as closely as the design speed will permit. The approaches at the intersections with County roads 150 South, 125 South, and 50 South will be improved to facilitate turning movements and increase intersection sight distance. Right-of-Way will be 60 ft. (18.3 meters) on both sides of the centerline of County Road 600 East. the right-of-way to be acquired will consist of strip takings along the frontage of County road 600 east and corner cuts at the intersections of County Roads 150 South, 125 South, and 50 South. The proposed horizontal curve on County Road
600 East as it approaches US24 has been designed to replace the three
existing substandard curves. This single curve has a radius and a super
elevation rate that meets the design sped. Stopping and intersection sight distances were reviewed to ensure compliance with current INDOT regulations. Stopping and intersection sight distances for this project meet requirements associated with 3R (Non-freeway) Part II of the project is from the bridge north to the railroad tracks is being funded entirely with local dollars. Part II will involve the slight widening of the roadway to 22 ft and a resurfacing. No additional right-of-way will be needed for this portion of the project. Part III of the CR 600 E. will involve the intersection at Logansport Road down to the railroad tracks. Because of the high accident rates at this intersection, a special type of funding known as Hazard Elemination is being persued. If this funding is obtained it will cover 100% of the construction costs. All of this added together will make a great project for Cass County. It is a unique combination of funding but it is what will work best for Cass County. INDOT's Project- CR 600 E. and US 24 At the publication of this web page, INDOT had indicated that they planned some improvements to the intersection of CR 600 E. and US 24. This is another high accident location. Several measures have been taken over the years to help reduce accidents at this location including the installation of a flashing light, additional paint striping and signage, rumble strips on both 600 E. and US 24, and for a short time "innovative signage." It is anticipated that before or during the construction of Cass County's CR 600 E. project, INDOT will improve the approach angles at this intersection.
For additional information please contact Jodi Coblentz, P.E. at the Cass County Highway Department at (574) 753-6766