Lewisburg Bridge

Cass County bridge #123

Construction Schedule
Preliminary Design July 2004-October 2005
Public Hearing September 19, 2005
INDOT Letting January 2006
Notice to Proceed March 2006
End Construction Spring 2007




The project involves the rehabilitation of Cass County Bridge #123 located on CR 825 E near the town of Lewisburg. Bridge #123 is a 1913 Concrete Luten Arch. The structure was closed in 2003 due to the structure's poor condition. In October 2005, while design for the bridges rehabilitation was underway, a portion of the northern pier gave way causing two of the western spandrel walls to collapse.  There is severe substructure deterioration and extensive rebar exposure and section loss at the piers. Cass County is planning to rehabilitate the structure and restore it to its original grandeur. The project will include minor right-of-way acquisition and some roadway reconstruction to correct sight distance on the south side of the structure and provide a parking area.

This bridge is listed in "Artistry and Ingenuity in Artificial Stone, Indiana's Concrete Bridges, 1900-1942." by James L. Cooper, as being eligible for the National register of Historic Places.

Residents appeared before the Commissioners on June 19, 2000, and expressed their desire for the rehabilitation of the existing structure. At the time, the Commissioner requested that the County Engineer investigate possible alternatives for this structure. The County retained American Consulting Inc. of Indianapolis to perform the in-depth feasibility study that showed the bridge could be repaired at less then the cost of a new structure.  The options for the County included rehabilitation, removal, or to build a new structure.  It took almost three years to obtain Transportation Enhancement funding that provided the County with the ability to rehabilitate the existing bridge and almost the same cost as to remove the structure permanently.  The County chose to provide favorable access to the community of Lewisburg and to save a historically significant piece of Cass County heritage.

The structure primarily serves the residents of Lewisburg especially during foul weather. The community of Lewisburg is nestled on the north banks of the Wabash River among hilly terrain. The bridge was originally constructed in 1913 to serve this town and led to its development. Without the bridge, the only access to this community is a twisting roadway up a steep incline. Fire and rescue for the town is primarily located south of the Wabash River in the town of Onward. Without this structure in place it will take the fire department a critical additional ten minutes to respond.

When funding was finally obtained in 2004, design for the structures rehabilitation began immediately.  It took over a year to complete design and obtain permits that would allow construction in the waterway of the environmentally sensitive Wabash River.  Due to collapse of the spandrel walls in October 2005, the design process was expedited even more to allow for a January 2006 letting through INDOT.  It is planned that the project will be let in January 2006 and a Notice to Proceed will be issued in March.  It will take nearly one year to repair the 93 year old structure.

Project Costs

  • Preliminary Engineering       $ 177,000
  • Right-of -Way Acquisition   $     5,000
  • Construction                        $1,413,000                                     
  • Construction Engineering     $  215,000

Total Cost                                  $1, 810,000

                                   80% Federal aid    20% Local


For more information about this project please contact the Cass County Highway Engineer at (574) 753-6766