Davis Road
   Location and Project Description

 The Board of Cass County Commissioners propose to reconstruct Davis Road and rehabilitate Cass County Bridge NO. 108. The project extends from the northern edge of High Street northward to Perrysburg Road. This project is located in J.B. Richardsville Reserve and Sections 19 and 20, Township 27 North, Range 2 East, in Eel and Clay Townships, near the City of Logansport, in Cass County, Indiana. Total project is 0.68  (1.09 Kilometers).

This project qualifies for "3R" Reconstruction Design Standards and will be designed to meet or exceed these roadway safety standards as supplemented by additional INDOT design standards. The rehabilitation of County bridge No. 108 will be designed to meet or exceed current "AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges" as supplemented by INDOT design standards. Davis Road is classified as an urban minor arterial. The design speed will be 40mph (60 km/h).

The existing pavement on Davis Road will be removed and replaced with a full depth asphalt pavement. From High Street to Winding Brook Trail, the proposed roadway will consist of two 12.0 foot (3.66 meter) travel lanes with curbs, gutters, and 10.0 foot (3.05 meter) asphalt multi-use path on the west side. The road profile will be lowered approximately 1.0ft. (.30 meters) near Winding Brook Trail, correcting the substandard vertical crest curve as well as providing adequate stopping and intersection sight distances, As part of this improvement, retaining wall s will be constructed to minimize additional right -of -way acquisition.

From Winding Brook Trail to Perrysburg Road and High Street, Due to the offset intersection geometry, signals will also be installed at 24th Street and High Street. The signals will be timed to minimize the impact on traffic traveling on High Street while providing protected access for turning vehicles from Davis Road. Curb ramps and sidewalks will be updated and pedestrian indicators will be included.

\On Cass County Bridge No. 108, the existing bridge deck, railings, and approach slabs will be removed and replaced with a composite concrete deck slab with epoxy coated reinforcing steel, decorative concrete rail on each side of the deck, and concrete approach slabs. The proposed bridge section will consist of two 12.0 ft. (3.66 meter) travel lanes, curbs and gutters, and a 10 ft (3.05 meter) multi-use path on the west side and a 5.0 ft. (1.52 meter) sidewalk on the east side. It is skewed 30 degrees left and is 383 ft. (116.74 meters) in length. New roadway drains will be constructed in the deck.

Just north of the bridge, a trailhead for the River Bluff Trail project will be constructed as a link to the separate trail project built by RQAW. The trailhead will consist of a driveway from Davis Road, a parking area for eight to ten vehicles and a multi-use path connecting the path of Davis Road to the trail.

Stopping and intersection sight distances were reviewed to ensure compliance with the current INDOT regulations. Stopping and intersection sight distances for this project meet requirements associated with 3R(Non-Freeway) standards.

Time Table

Public Hearing - May 11, 2004

Right-of-way acquisition - currently underway

Submit tracings to INDOT- Sept. 2005

Let contract- Jan. 2006

Notice to proceed- March 2006

Construction- March 2006-October 2006

Please note:

Roadway will be closed to thru traffic during construction except during fair week in July 2006.